S1, Part 5, Prediction of Want

Who are we becoming in the real world? This episode comprehends the dominant social character of the moment. The ideology of hyper-individualism is outlined as a means to depict how the non-rational and self-centered behavior of the virtual world is inverted in the real world: we operate in a sober, rational, analytical manner to preemptively avoid emotions in order to always stay-in-control. We are a Manager of ourself. The dystopian Japanese novel, The Memory Police, is a metaphor for this individualistic way of being and its passive, conformist consequences. Zen understands the attachment to what we want is misunderstood lack. The attachment to lack (craving) is an adaptation to our conditioning. It is from this part that we play Games and produce karmic activity in the form of greed, hatred/ill-will, and delusion.

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